Sunday, February 15, 2009

Artefact 2 Evaluation

My second artefacts are two clips from the films Hot Fuzz (2007) and Gladiator (2000). The clip from Hot Fuzz was slowed down (to 90%) and is accompanied by music taken from Terminator 2 (1991), whilst the clip from Gladiator is sped up (to 200%) and is accompanied by the theme music from The Benny Hill Show (1969). The aim of these artefacts was to see the effect that changing the speed had upon the genre.

This artefact was researched into in the same way as the first artefact, this was with questionnaires both online and offline. I chose to research in this way as I found it was a good method from the previous artefact and enable me to get good answers. The research led to the conclusion that when giving a film an increase in speed the genre can change from whatever it may be, in this case an action drama, and turn it into a comedy. Similarly I found decreasing the speed also had an impact on genre, changing it from a comedy into an action drama film. This led me to the conclusion that just like the first artefact the recognition of the genre by the audience is shaped by factors such as how fast or slow a scene is, as well as this music plays a massive role in shaping genre because it has a huge impact on the audiences emotions and can produce a scene in the genre that the editor or director is looking to achieve.

My next artefact will focus on the way that positioning shots in a certain order can have an effect on genre and how certain shots can influence a genre by being place next to each other.

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