Thursday, December 07, 2006
Evalution of group narrative project
Highlight the skills and knowledge you have gained and developed and show how you have gained them. Provide suggestions for improvement and how these attributes will inform your study in future modules this year.
In this essay I shall review the project that was created by me and my narrative group. As a group we firstly arranged a meeting and decided that we would post our ideas on the discussion forum where we could post from either University or accommodation, meaning that ideas could be exchanged at the same time as keeping a record of them. Although we did use the discussion forum we found that we generally exchanged more ideas when we were in meetings where we could use and develop each others ideas more freely than online where we would post ideas and then have to wait for ideas. As well as this not everyone had internet access at their places of accommodation and therefore we found that we only used it in situations where we had ideas outside of meetings or to arrange our next meeting and log it so that everyone knew when and where it was.
As a group we came up with many ideas, our first idea was a narrative which portrayed people who had compulsions to do something that they knew they shouldn’t, this idea could have been developed into serious or comical situations, as well as making the events trivial or important. The group’s second idea was about our reliance on technology, and in this case especially mobile phone and what would happen if this technology is taken away from people, how it affects their lives and whether or not they could live with out it. Another idea was to base the narrative on how people with opposite personalities clash, this may have been something as simple as musical tastes, or a more complex subject such as political views and how it effects relationships.
We eventually decided to create a narrative with a focus on an aspect of university life. Our chosen genre was comedy and our target audience was chosen as university students, more specifically first year university students, this is because we believed that they could relate to any university related events. After this we agreed that it would be set on a first year students first day at university and so created the title “Day One”. As the narrative had to be 2 minutes long exactly we concluded that we would have to write the narrative based on key events of the 24 hour time span which would be a series of comical events occurring to the student on his first day and would be done in the style of a linear narrative.
The next step was to agree on what type of format our narrative would be shown as. After deciding on using pictures (stills) to create our narrative, we thought that it would be a good idea to add in a comic book style to give it more of a comedy effect and we were heavily influenced by ‘Max Payne’ (Rockstar/Remedy, 2002, a successful, multi award winning video game which was first released on PC and then made successful transitions to both PS2 and XBOX video games consoles. The game was most notable for the style in which it portrayed its narrative through use of a visual comic book style and was also accompanied by a VO (voice over) which helped to carry the narrative as well add more definition and depth to the main character, this character being Max Payne.(
As well as being influenced by Max Payne, we were interested in the music video for Roll Deep Crew’s song, ‘The Avenue’ (AKA ‘Heartbreak Avenue’) (2004, in which the band members are transformed into comic book characters after being real life human beings and it was also taken into consideration that we could use both real life video footage which could the transform into a comic book style using images, although this idea was never brought to fruition.
After we had finalised the ideas we decided which tasks and roles each of us would be assigned, at this point we agreed that even if people did not have skill in a certain area then they could be helped by experiencing the process. We then made a schedule of work that each area would have to be completed by, although this was not followed as closely as the group had planned or hoped, the end product was completed in time.
When our ideas and plans were then presented in front of other narrative groups and the lectures, this allowed us to realise how much of the project we had not considered and how we could improve on our ideas. This feedback was necessary for us as a group to hear and be able to improve on future project presentations as individuals.
The first part of the post production stage involved editing photos in Adobe Photoshop where we added a Max Payne style, after which we added speech bubbles and storyline banners along the top and/or bottom of the pictures which told the narrative. The ‘Max Payne’ cartoon style effect was added to the pictures by Isaac, who worked on his own from home and therefore no one else was able to learn the process in which the pictures were changed from normal to comic book style and in this section of production I believe that team work should have been enforced better, therefore allowing the whole group to learn new skills or enhanced their currently existing skills. The research into Photoshop tutorials led me to find a mass of information which could be helpful in future work and in learning new techniques (
At this point in the project I tried to help by finding tutorials for Adobe Photoshop of how to create a ‘Max Payne’ style and decided that such things could be used as a contingency plan if Isaac’s method failed. I also experimented with my own methods and found that a simple method in Photoshop was to use the ‘Fresco’ effect, which created a good ‘mock’ ‘Max Payne’ style image.
The next stage in the project was to record the sounds, this was done in one of the sound booths and we therefore learnt about some of the equipment involved in the recording of sound. As we had not yet learnt about how to use the equipment, we firstly recorded the sounds using a portable mini tape recorder. After this we were required to transfer this sound to a file on the computer and therefore we requested the help of a technician who taught us how to transfer this sound using audio jacks and a program named Sound Forge. After the sound was transferred to the computer we decided that it would be more appropriate to edit it in Adobe Premiere at the same time as the pictures.
In the final stages of editing, Sejpaal who was knowledgeable of Adobe Premiere put together the edited stills and then edited the sound by selecting the parts that we needed from the recording session. In this part of the project I observed what Sejpaal was doing in Premiere, this is so that I could add to the knowledge that I already had which is only a basic understanding of the program. I also attempted some of my own tests in which I practiced using the transition which was relevant to our groups project, this being the ‘page curl’ as we wanted to achieve the effect of the viewer reading a comic book.
I believe that although my contribution to this project may not have been much I did still have input on what went into the final product and this is reflected in my 65% effort grade which was award to me by the team. I believe that I was able to achieve a good relationship with the rest of my team which allowed me to learn new skills and to refresh my memory of old ones. I feel that although this project was largely focused on creating a good end product, its main target was to get people used to working in a team and learning new skills.
When reviewing the end production I believe that although it was visually very well done, the narrative left a lot to be desired, this is because I do not believe it was funny enough to warrant it being in the genre of comedy and this should have been more of a focus. As well as this I believe that we did not leave or self enough time to review the end product after we had produced it and it should have been tested on our target audience before being handed in, this could have notified us of any problem that may have occurred as well as being able to have feedback on the actual narrative.
In the future if I was to do another group project I would want to be more involved, therefore I will work on my technical skills and hopefully be able to be a bigger part of the final product. I would also ensure that as a group everyone could trust each other and be able to rely on them, as well as trying to involve everyone in every task as this would not only improve knowledge and skills, but team relationships which are very important for group projects.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Testing, Testing, 1,2,3…

Just a quick post, went in one of the sound booths on friday to record some sound for our group narrative work, needless to say it was wicked, the equipment was top of the range and we worked off 2 massive mac screens which were interconnected with each other, the whple proccess was a good learning experience.
Image Composition Meaning

After thinking long and hard, i realised that the item that I own and like most is my mobile, which is a Motorola Black RAZR V3 and I believe it is the most aesthetically pleasing object because of its slim and sleek design which is very modern and attractive, inspired by today’s minimalistic lifestyle.
In its functionallity it is able to store and play MP3's, record videos, take pictures, browse the web with 'web 'n' walk', play games, send things via bluetooth, and most importantly make calls and recieve texts (obviously). Its much more suited to me than my other phone which could only take very low quality pictures because i like to be able to take lots of videos and pictures and this allows me the freedom to do so (baring in mind the limited space) meaning that i now have lots of videos and photos from it stored to my harddrive.
I think that this object communicates to me that with changes in technology, it is possible to have style and functionality at the same time without compromising either. It also communicates that technology continues to expand and more and more features will become available meaning that most pieces of equipment will become multi-functional tools.
Image Composition Meaning
After thinking long and hard, i realised that the item that I own and like most is my mobile, which is a Motorola Black RAZR V3 and I believe it is the most aesthetically pleasing object because of its slim and sleek design which is very modern and attractive, inspired by today’s minimalistic lifestyle.
In its functionallity it is able to store and play MP3's, record videos, take pictures, browse the web with 'web 'n' walk', play games, send things via bluetooth, and most importantly make calls and recieve texts (obviously). Its much more suited to me than my other phone which could only take very low quality pictures because i like to be able to take lots of videos and pictures and this allows me the freedom to do so (baring in mind the limited space) meaning that i now have lots of videos and photos from it stored to my harddrive.
I think that this object communicates to me that with changes in technology, it is possible to have style and functionality at the same time without compromising either. It also communicates that technology continues to expand and more and more features will become available meaning that most pieces of equipment will become multi-functional tools.
Monday, October 30, 2006
2 Short Films
I found this short film at a site called ‘atom films’ which is dedicated to short films. This film title is ‘Deviation’ and is a machinima film which is a genre of film that is created using a video game, this one comes from the game Counterstrike (an online pc game) and was made using voice actors from across America who never met in the real world. I think that I liked the fact that it seems like a simple way to create what I thought was a good short film and that is why I like the machinima genre of film, along with the fact that it means that people can make films based on games which is not that common in the film industry with the exception of films such as Resident Evil and Final Fantasy (although these are not machinima films, but films based on video games). The storyline I felt was the best point to the film as it was relevant to video games and as a person who plays video games I could relate to it.
This second film that I found on YouTube was titled Static and was of the horror genre, and I found that I liked its simple, yet effective style which allowed the story to develop well and I enjoyed how the narrative was non-linear, unlike many other short films. It was also done in a Japanese style horror, like films such as Ringu and Ju-On.